
the girl

KB, Brunei
Currently studying in Singapore
I blog about my life & whats in my mind. No harms , no spams ... Happy reading =)

Blabs & Blahs


go greeners
nora & cookie
adam young
taylor swift


May 2008
June 2008
July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010
February 2010
March 2010
April 2010
May 2010
June 2010
July 2010
August 2010
September 2010
October 2010
November 2010
December 2010
January 2011
April 2011
May 2011


skin by: Jane

Web Site Hit Counter

Saturday, October 31, 2009 @ 11:53 PM
drowning deep into a pool of work

Holiday Inn's international buffet was quite okay...
* Think of Empire's Atrium buffet*
Okay, I miss that.

I'm so full jeans can burst off anytime.
Gluttony is a sin.

I know im complaining a lot,
but i cant help it.
This is probably the only place i can nag.

I'm really exhausted and worried,
assignments are really too much.
I only pray i can go through till Thursday..
then things might be easier to handle after that.

Damn it..
why did i even chose to be the first to present for HTI?
& why is the topic SO DRY? ... like menopause
*Emo & slash self on the wrist*

Ignore the last line.

To be done tomorrow

50-80 slides repertoire to be done
Mactech research for timbers and Komyo- Ji Temple to be done and printed
At least 30% of HTI done.

Okay, God bless.

@ 1:57 PM
trick or treat

Boo Boo Boo BOOO

Happy Halloween!

Was supposed to go to Body Worlds at the Science Centre today, but .. after a 6 people conversation on the phone last night, we decided to postpone it to next few weeks,
when the assignments are not that much..

My grandparents are going back to Brunei tomorrow...

No more soup, no more dinner at home,
no more chicken essence every Monday & Thursday morning .

Hi to dinner at Mcs and foodcourts,
hi to buying groceries like a housewife....


Im stucked with assignments..
Forced to read 60+ pages of a book date back to 1230CE
The Rationale Divinorum Officiorum

How gay is that?

The article is so so so dry..and makes it difficult for me to transfer it to my slides.
Seminar is just 4 more days to go.


50-80 slides of puppet repertoire due Monday
Slides and speeches to be done for Wednesday's seminar
Jame's drawings to be printed and done

Mactech researches, 3D Max, Maniya's P.O.E.M.S


okay.. try not to slack.

Back to the gay article.


Off to buffet with my grandparents and relatives at night.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009 @ 12:52 AM
jump then fall

It rained when we left our house today.
Delaying our journey to meet at CityHall.
One guy was growing old there for 40 mins.
All I (We) can say is sorry!

We bought our stuffs and ate lunch at Mcs.
The monopoly stickers got more attention, than the food we ordered.
$50 K, Hawaii Cruise and tonnes of prizes,
Who are those that's gonna win?

An hour late for Iain's class,
Felt terribly bad and sorry.
We're a bad class rep and assistant.
Wait, no we're not.

3D Max was quite fun,
we 'built' temples with few clicks.
Strawberry juice was so strawberry-ish,
My set of pencils is now with the stealer.

I look pathetic carrying my stuffs home,
Squished like a mashed banana in the train,
Irritating stench blowing to your nose from some strangers.
Sometimes, you'll just wish you can fly home.

Only those who are in our shoes will know,
what life we're living.
Trying to stay positive,
Trying to excel.

Listening to Taylor Swift's new songs.

Good girls dont go with bad guys.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009 @ 8:55 AM


New assignments launched before we can finish the old ones.
They're like the hunters and we're the rabbits.
I hate the fact we have to go to Art Friend for each assignment.
Cant they just give us a list of everything to be bought?

I am really tired.

& sometimes i wonder...

do i look stupid for being nice?

you're killing me sweetly.

Saturday, October 24, 2009 @ 11:14 PM
B for

Beanies and Berets

may look the same...but they're not the same.

Okay, now i know.

Dye hair, hair dying....would really like to have a change..
Only that im afraid my hair will turns out to be like savannah grass.
dry dry dry

or probably mummy's gonna kill me

Friday, October 23, 2009 @ 10:43 PM
peace love and ice cream


8am classes are no fun,
Digital Imaging was okay, just that i'm so tired i can barely stay awake.

With the smell of cigarettes breathe blowing to me, I said to others,
Hey let's sit together next time, the four of us.

We walked all the way to the place we belong,
found our seats and listened to the accent that i found comfortable.
She whispered and tapped my legs when he was near,
I tapped back and she was asked to be silent.

Outdoor drawing made my face red, as red as beetroot.
Intech tutorials drown us deep.
Into measurements of humans and places.

Hey, the length of my face is 28cm,
Okay, that maybe random,
but yeah, we're measuring part of our body postion of standing, seating, walking etc
and also tables and chairs of the 'cafeteria'

57 gatherings are always filled with laughters,
Even if there's only half a dozen of us.
Comical faces and silly talks,
'Kantang kia' , M & M's and Roadrunner's beepbeep
What can i say? L-O-L


ID students are probably the poorest of all,
our money goes to the pricey stuffs and the tax free signs are liar.
Starbuck's frappucino equals to temptation,
and that leads to hours of chatting on the cosy sofas.

Girls just love accessories, one should have a least a dozen.
I lost count on mine, but yes, temptations.
Our habit of Art friend - Starbucks - Accessorize.
Saying i'll be home at 3pm and it turns out 9pm.

Am really grateful grandma's here,
I dont have to worry about my dinner,
where at times i get so busy
i had honeystars for dinner.

Im going to die young,
tiredness, pains, stomach upsets, sleepless nights and gastrics.
But hey, its weekend, I'll get myself a good sleep tonight.
And start assignments..

It was peace, love & ice cream
We laid down in the grass
in the garden of Eden
we hoped it would last
but than time took away
the moment we faced
*nice song by Sandy Dane, Cover by Younha, listening to YH's version*


PS- Should i keep my natural dark brown hair or splash them with brown chemical?
Font size

Wednesday, October 21, 2009 @ 8:11 PM
me love odd stuffs

so tired
so exhausted

It was a bright sunny day yesterday, well too bright and too sunny. I went to Art Friend
to get the A3 ring bound folders for the class. The guy there said there'll be free delivery
if i exceed some amount, so i asked whether i exceed..he said

I paid.
Filled in the delivery form .

Walk back to Cityhall mrt station...saw lots of miss calls from Art Friend ,
so i called back...they asked to go back and take my stuff, cause it didnt
exceed $300, delivery will cost extra $30.

Luckily, Shuting was heading to Cityhall that time, so we went back together and
carry the stuffs, super heavy... Took cab to school.. we're late for 30 mins and
we didnt even have our lunch.


School was quite okay today. Me & Toby will be the first to present our seminar .

Luis left SP to teach somewhere else, Peggy's leaving to Australia.
We wrote notes on sticky pads and sticked them all over her table, chairs etc.
Thanks to ManYing & HuiHoon for opening the office door for us!

Will miss you lot Peggy!

I went to shop after that..
crap, spent a lot,
oh no...

was intending to buy more tops for school,
turns out buying clothes i wont wear often.

Tartan & stripe knitted scarves, Beanie....

oh well, off to do my assignment

Go go go!


Everyone's working hard for A Levels, go people! :)

Monday, October 19, 2009 @ 11:48 PM
back to school

First day of school

8am-12pm Lecture
2-6pm Lecture & Tutorial

Seriously, everyone's like half dying.

Measure, Converting Scales, Drawing, Kena Sabo by my classmates...thank you people....

Class for lecture is too crowded, stuffy, oxygen....


the weather is SOOOO hot,

Gonna meet up the girls at Art Friend tmr morning before class
to get ring bound folder for the whole class.

Oh well, positive thinking for new semester,

I can do it !

Sunday, October 18, 2009 @ 3:40 PM
well, ...

Gonna keep it short

14- 16 Oct 2009
Coasta Sands Resort

Marinated chickens

Accompanied Shuting to Toa Payoh
and had our brunch at 'Old Town White Coffee'

Blowed stinky bubbles.

Played with sparklers

Super yummy chicken on the 2nd night,
marinated with bbq sauce and coke

Our bikes, where we went cycling for hours at night

Overall , it was quite fun.
Gonna miss Class 57.


School's starting tomorrow. 8am to 6pm *faints* Same goes to Thursday, 8am to 6pm *faints*
What's worst is that the 8-10 am class (my GEMs module) is at block 20 and

the next class , which starts at 10am is at block 5.

Jeeeez, that will be super rush,

I'll need the bus and prays that the Mr.J lecturer is not those mean type.

Timetable for classes on Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday are still okay.

Lazy for school, but in the mean time, i cant wait to see who are my other
new classmates in Class 3. Hope they're nice & fun :)


8 weeks of school to go!

Friday, October 16, 2009 @ 1:10 AM
peace or spiral?

Michelle is 'alone' in the chalet now, 2 guys were sleeping
and others have gone night cycling to changibuy stuffs,
im too tired to go.

Gonna update the post on chalet soon when i go back.

Someone said i look like a dope with my glasses on before.
& some said i look lame with it in Oovoo.

Probably that's the reason i hate oovoo & webcamming.
(and taking pics with my glasses on)

I dont care eh eh eh.


PS- I still miss home, You know. I know.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009 @ 10:28 AM

14 Oct ,
registration online for GEMs ( General Elective Module),
something like an extra module.

My appointment was 10am till 10.30am.

Waited since 9.30am.

10am, log in, click on stuffs, chose Digital Imaging, (1 seat for Weds left, 2 on Fri)
looked at the timetable , opens another tab to look at my own original timetable...

*IE hanged*

and when i reopen, no seats left. =.=

Prays hard for the 9pm appointment, i wont be looking too long on the timetable this time.


3 days 2 nights Class chalet at Coasta Sands Resort later,
probably just going to overnight today, since the place is 'quite' near my place
since my grandparents are here.

Its raining.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009 @ 10:53 AM

and before i leave

baked cookies

a giant one with macadamias for nora

took some pics of the puppies again

after shower

mata sepet

sooooooo cute :)

snuggling at the back of my foot

celebrated my dad, sister and godbro's birthday together

Steamboat with the gang

Comparing eyebags

Huatyung's house ( and Chiewling's of course)

watched Drag me to hell till 3am +

Jelly Belly!
Jalapenos, Sizzling Cinnamon and some funky flavours.


The flight was quite pleasant yesterday, cause i fell asleep.
Heavy rain once we arrived.

Rested for a while and brought my grandparents to the mall for lunch and groceries.
Going again later.

Probably stayed in Brunei for too long this time,
feels weird now, gonna need some time to adapt again.

Currently, me and my grandma are sleeping in the bedroom,
my grandpa's sleeping in the living room,

and i have no where to use my laptop at night cause both of them wanted to sleep.

I ended up onlining in the kitchen last night, on the kitchen counter...

My uncle, aunt and baby toddler coming back from Sydney tonight.

PS- I still miss home

Monday, October 12, 2009 @ 4:31 AM
my brain is dead

4.31 am now, flight's in few hours and im leaving home at 6am.

Just came home from tea and movie not long ago.

And i feel like crap now, nauseous.

Probably because of ice teh tarik + a tiny bit spoon of some weird sweet and salty drink + the dozens of jelly beans i had + Drag me to hell + staying awake.

Anywayssssss. a great big thanks to everyone,

I'll miss going tea late night, dinner waiting for me everynight, lunches and dinners, the beach, the fact that there's someone to drive me out, my room, my super comfy blanket, AIRCON, blah blah blah

and i'll miss the love from everyone here.

Super sad to leave.
I'll see you guys soon, hopefully December, if not it's gonna be March. All the best for A-levels, which is starting this week, study hard! and i'll work hard for my next semester too.

Hugs Hugs hugs from michelle :)

Oh, someone wants me to write her a special msg, i guess i'll write to some of u guys, so its fair.


HMMMMMM, sorry didnt spend much time with you , and about the egg tarts too,
hope you enjoy my giant cookie thou * roll eyes* I'll cya soon :) Tell me if you're coming to SG, we'll go eat!


Thanks for picking me and sending me home during outings! and thanks for the drive all the way to Seria for DQ? lol, and the mee goreng :D


Thanks for paying my *not enough smaller cash* dinner at Buccaneer and also picking me and sending me home at times. Empire next time when we come back! :D


Dont always go fak hiao with my yobo when im not here. BYE


Thanks for your meegoreng and jellybeansssss.. :)


Thanks for the whole load of beef you gave


I hope you didnt get scoldings from your mum for going home late just now.
Take care :)

Fwu Chyi

Sorry, didnt get to go to the beach with you guys yesterday. next time!! and i'll miss you loadss.


Thanks for tea! and driving me out too :)

okay who else....i dont have time to write more. My mum's gonna kill me later.


Monday, October 5, 2009 @ 11:23 PM


Just gonna post somethings i've done..

Made and ate glutinous rice balls at my grandma' s house.

grandma. aunt, cousins ( mum's side)

Yum yum

My grandma cooks the rice balls in chicken soup (some hakka style) which is super yummy, that's why we're always into it eventhou its not winter solestice festival.


Pup's first pictures

Awww, adorable :))))))

8 more pups from the other mum to go for the pic taken, but dont think i will
take cause they look almost the same...white fur.


Moon , lanterns, tea and wine


mooncakes of course

agar-agar mooncakes made by my flavours of
dragonfruit, yam, mango orange and yam

i do prefer the blueberry cheese one :)

It was my aunt's maid's birthday the next yeah, my relatives
had fun teasing
her with the candles and creaming her face.

Let's not break the tradition. of walking the streets with our lanterns.

Dad's antique oil lamp & my red trash basket used as lanterns :)

Sean...Statue of Liberty cum Olympic torch?


For some reasons, i kinda miss wearing tudung, but yeah, i cant find SMSA's
school uniform, so i dug out my old baju kurung and scarf.

I am not crazy.

AND AND AND i realize my face doesnt look fat in tudung, no more football face yo!

PS- all my relatives told me i grew fatter,
yes after coming back,
non stop eating...

tea tea tea tea tea

i'll be happier if all those fats go to other places and not my face.


Going to Miri for facial tomorrow,
with mum.